If any man worships the Beast and his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Gd.
-Revelation 14
Biblical Predictions
Daniel, Zechariah, and John the apostle prophesied major European and Middle-Eastern events in chronological order beginning from about 539 BC and ending with the Return of Jsus and the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth.
Daniel the prophet wrote the Book of Daniel in 604-539 BC. The earliest surviving handwritten copy of the Book of Daniel (4QDanc/4Q114) dates to approximately 125 BC.
Zechariah the prophet wrote the Book of Zechariah in 521-519 BC. The earliest surviving handwritten copy of the Book of Zechariah (4Q76) dates to approximately 150 BC.
John the apostle wrote the Book of Revelation in approximately 100 AD. The earliest surviving handwritten copy of the Book of Revelation (Papyrus 98) dates to approximately 200 AD.
Daniel, Zechariah, and John wrote their prophecies in “sections” of text. Within each section, the text of the prophecies is written in chronological order.
Some of these sections are listed below.
Four Chariots
Zechariah uses the symbols of four chariots to represent the four kingdoms that conquer the kingdom that existed before it.
Four Horns
FULFILLED: 608 BC – present
NOT FULFILLED: Return of Jsus
Zechariah uses the symbols of four horns to represent the four kingdoms that persecuted the people of Gd until the Return of Jsus Chrst.
Seventy Weeks
No Stone Left on Another
Harlot, Beast, Woman, Dragon
Revelation uses the imagery of a harlot, beast, woman, dragon, and other symbols to predict major events in chronological order regarding the people of Gd and their opponents starting from the pagan Roman Empire until the Return of Jsus Chrst to earth.
Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls
The Book of Revelation uses the symbolic imagery of seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls to foretell major European and Middle-Eastern events in chronological order beginning from about 100 AD and ending with the Return of Jsus and the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth.
Coming out of Rome
Not Worshiping the Beast
The Book of Daniel says the Beast “will think to change times and Law.” The Roman Catholic Pope thought to change times by changing the time of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and the time of Passover from the 14th day to Sunday Easter. The Pope thought to change Law by allowing to eat unclean meat.
Not Worshiping His Image
The Pope thought to change Law by allowing to make, use, and respect religious images.
Not Taking His Mark
The Pope thought to change Law by allowing to make and take the religious image of the sign of the cross, which is the mark of the Beast.
Turning to Gd
Keeping the Commandments of Gd
Rev. 14:12 Here is the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of Gd and the faith of Jsus.
Keeping the Testimony of Jsus
Rom. 10:9 If you confess with your mouth Jsus as Lrd and believe in your heart that Gd raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
If any man worships the Beast and his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Gd.
-Revelation 14